Data and Scientific Analysis

Applying Data and Scientific Analysis to baseline, engineer, and model data to make informed decisions

Forge Forward partners with clients throughout the analysis process to understand the uniqueness and complexity of their data, develop solutions that address their specific needs and challenges, and discuss how findings can be used to make informed decisions.


We specialize in the development of algorithms and decision tools for enterprise planning, focusing on resource and manpower utilization, demand projection, and multi-factor scenario analysis.


At the onset of each effort, we conduct preliminary baseline of existing data to ensure it is adequate and can address the  inquiries.  We discuss gaps and challenges with the client and recommend strategies to mitigate.  Throughout this process, we examine the following attributes:
  • Who owns the data and how accessible is it?
  • How well is the data maintained and updated?
  • How complete is the data and is the level of detail adequate to address the inquiry?
  • Can the data be integrated with other sources to address broader questions?


Forge Forward has the capabilities and skill sets to support the full spectrum of the data pipeline from data engineering to model development and Business Intelligence (BI) solutions. Our experience is in the application of machine learning and analytics to support operational decisions. We support multiple languages and software suites including: Python, R, MySQL, Tableau, ArcGIS, and other BI Platforms.


We provide expertise in the design, execution, and timely analysis of KPIs, scientific studies, and organizational assessments.

Success Story

Applying machine learning to enable Dept of Navy Test & Evaluation (T&E) RANGE operators to leverage cleansed and consistent data to make informed decisions on the cost effective use of manpower, assets and equipment in complex and volatile operating environments.